Social Value

At Livity Life we take a pro-active, action led approach to ensuring that sustainability and social awareness permeates every area of our business.

We are fully committed to safeguard the environment and build this into all aspects of our services because climate resilient, environmentally stable communities are healthier communities.

We hold ISO 14001:2015 certification and are working towards Planet Mark accreditation.

We’ve pledged to become Net Zero by 2050 and have committed to a significant reduction inline with the recommendations of The Paris Agreement by 2035.

We have already made material progress towards this, reducing our emissions by 17% through the development of national and local incentives to reduce our environmental impact through innovative service delivery models.

We are proud to be Zero Waste to Landfill certified and currently source over 90% of the energy that we use from renewable sources.

We do not trade with any organisation whose key activities contribute to global climate change through pollution, activity detrimental to health, or irresponsible use of natural resources.

We proactively work to maintain and increase bio-diversity in partnership with our supply chain, protecting wildlife and habitats.

It is our aim to deliver positive impacts to every community that we serve.

We support local suppliers actively engaging with small and medium businesses to enhance local employment and opportunities.

Partnerships with local and national charities help us understand and address the challenges that our service users face, lending our support and expertise to improving community facilities and resources.

We support the National Living Wage and invest in providing employees with the skills and resources that they need to further their careers.

We actively ensure that all our employees are aware of how they can positively impact the environment and communities through training and by supporting them to take part in local initiatives including tree planting and conservation projects.

Our commitments are continually evolving to meet new challenges as they emerge and ensure that we can deliver against our goals without compromising on the standards of care and support that we deliver.